
Microsoft Viva

Know About Microsoft Viva

Microsoft Viva is a robust platform for employee training and development in HRM. It facilitates communication, knowledge and acts as a one-stop source for accessing resources and gaining in-depth insights. A product backed by Microsoft and accessible via Microsoft Teams, it helps in employee engagement. Microsoft Viva empowers employees and increases their efficiency and productivity levels.

Utilise Knowledge and Expertise

Microsoft Viva helps in employee engagement- makes it easy for employees to access information and put that knowledge into their work. The solution automatically organises content and expertise, making the information access process seamless.

Knowledge and Expertise
Stay Connected Seamlessly

Each employee can easily access the relevant information-news, conversations, and use tools via a personalised destination. It acts as one of the robust employee engagement strategies. It empowers employees to work optimally and fosters team spirit. The solution ensures each voice is heard in the organisation.

Knowledge and Expertise
Learn Effortlessly

Microsoft Viva enables organisations to improve their skills, update their knowledge and increase their efficiency. With employee training, they can improve their productivity and continue to work optimally

Knowledge and Expertise
Improve Productivity and promote well-being

With a data-driven secure environment and valuable insights, employees can maintain a fine balance between productivity and well-being.

Knowledge and Expertise

Increase efficiency by using AI

Microsoft Viva Topics helps in employee training and development. It automatically organises content across apps and Teams. The employees can quickly access the knowledge using the AI in the apps. By enabling them to utilise the knowledge and integrate it into their work, the solution helps in talent engagement. Security compliance allows employees to maximise their productivity levels while keeping data security in place.

Office 365
Stay Connected Seamlessly

Stay Connected Seamlessly

Each employee can easily access the relevant information-news, conversations, and use tools via a personalised destination. It acts as one of the robust employee engagement strategies. It empowers employees to work optimally and fosters team spirit. The solution ensures each voice is heard in the organisation.

Learn Effortlessly

Microsoft Viva enables organisations to improve their skills, update their knowledge and increase their efficiency. With employee training, they can improve their productivity and continue to work optimally.

Knowledge and Expertise

Create an Inclusive Work Culture with Employee Engagement Strategies that enables employees to Succeed

Personal Insights

People are an integral part of an organisation- active resources that lead to further wealth generation. Provide each employee with personal and private insights; with actionable insight, focus on employees' well-being leading to higher efficiency. Enhance learning and improve productivity with regular breaks, knowledge, employee training sessions, and a holistic working environment.

Manager Insights

Training Development Managers play a vital role in a dynamic and changing workplace. They can prevent job saturation and avoid time wastage. The solution gives them a comprehensive view of the work norms and helps in better team management- enables them to nurture employees, succeed and thrive amidst different challenges.

Leader Insights

Leaders can successfully mentor people when they have complete information at their disposal. With a structured training program for employees and organisational insights, they can instantly access the required information that will help them to create a thriving workplace. They can encourage people to utilise resources with a higher efficiency rate. With organised data in employee development programs and proven -methods, they can thwart challenges and achieve organisational goals.
Pay Attention to employees' well-being and empower organisations by gaining in-depth insights into the apps used daily. Microsoft 365 licensees get access to Personal Insights. Workspace Analytics licensees get access to Manager and Leader Insights.
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