To succeed in today’s competitive times, it is extremely important that organizations achieve optimization in their every business operations. They ought to improve the efficiency of the processes so that they are able to gain maximum optimization. Technology has to be harnessed in the best possible manner to achieve operational efficiency and productivity of the business activities. Most importantly, the supply chain has to be optimized which includes the logistics and the inventory while keeping customer satisfaction in mind.
Online24x7 offers an advanced ERP on cloud which seamlessly integrates into the enterprise. The software has been tailored made to meet the requirements of organizations by providing a unified platform where business processes are weaved together along with suppliers, logistics providers and business partners so that there’s complete transparency and efforts are focused on improving efficiency. With a common platform and increased transparency, the response time to customers is reduced and emphasis is laid upon increasing customer satisfaction.
Our ERP is based on VirtualWorks, which provides great flexibility to the software. As a requirement arises, the software can adapt to the changes on-the-go while taking into various considerations such as corporate imperatives, regulatory changes and market conditions.
We provide our software solution that is suitable for single / multi-mine, multi-geography, multi-modal transportation and multi-company enterprises. It easily integrates into different processes such as human resources and payroll, asset maintenance and management, operational efficiency and productivity, inventory management, production, customer relationship management etc. the software ensures high operational efficiency and productivity. Real time visibility is gained with the help of the software and thus it empowers the concerned management people to take timely decisions that prove to be highly beneficial for the business both in the short term and the long term. The best part is that the software solution is highly secure.
Below are mentioned the several advantages of our software solution
Make the best decisions, plan while on the go

Our software solution gives complete visibility across various operations in mining and non-mining business processes. It helps in making better decisions and gives the necessary flexibility to adapt to the changing business processes and cater to the changing market demands. Our software solution is equipped with business intelligence features and seep efficiency into different business operations.
- Our software solution helps in increasing the production efficiency of the supply chain.
- It is equipped to streamline the supply chain and bring efficiency in the various processes of manage transportation, logistics and scheduling with ease.
- The software helps in making quick decisions with timely information about the mines/plant operations.
- Planning can be done with great convenience and ease.
- It enables organizations to plan scientifically and make a comparative analysis of the plan made with the actual results gained at every stage of the mining operations.
- With the help of the software, the workforce at the workplace can be empowered to make better plans and execute them with greater precision.
- The work-in-progress can be tracked while on-the-go as it is compatible on mobile devices.
Manage multiple exploration sites
Exploration sites can be easily handled and with greater efficiency

- With the assistance of our software solutions for mining, people can easily handle exploration sites. The performance can be tracked and the details about the cost can be calculated for each individual exploration activities.
- The exploration activities can be managed with great ease and can be executed in a scientific manner. Activities can be scheduled and resource allocation can be done effortlessly.
- The software includes mining project monitoring feature through which exploration activities with precision.
- Remote site surveys can be directly captured and data of geological and core log analysis data can be captured directly from the exploration site.
- The estimated funds required for exploration sites can be estimated.
Manage mining leases and land parcels with an integrated gis system
Get rid of the complexities of the paper work and manage leases and other land related compliances with great ease.
- Digitization of paper work has made land procurement and management of land parcels very easy. Work can be planned in a scientific manner which facilitates land procurement deals on time. Exhaustive details about land procurement including the land details and revenue details and the village map, etc all the details can be recorded. Digitized information is stored in a secure way and can be referred to for future reference through VirtualWorks.
- The software solution for mining completely removes the difficulties of managing work through the conventional paperwork routine.
- Land can be easily managed digitally and all the details such as surface rent payment, dead rent, renewal of licenses for exploration/mining, etc can be managed with great ease in the digitized form.

Plan in a scientific manner
Make visualization and analysis of the model of the mine
- Our Mine management software empowers organization to manage data with great ease. With minimal effort, engineers can analyze the data with the various embedded features available in the in the form of contours, digital terrain models, 3-dimensional block models, grade and tonnage curves, and in-situ and retrievable reserves.
- The software enable organizations to perform various production activities such as designing of ramps, dump roads and equips them with tools that can help them perform production activities with great ease.
- The process of mineral extraction through economic pit limits can be optimized. The process of simulating and deciding the ultimate pit and dump yards based on residual grade and market value.
- Generate Iso-Pach/Iso-Metal/Iso-Grade/RL intercept/Stripping ratio contours.
- Generate 2D/3D mine models accurately using Kriging.
- Production plans can be generated taking into consideration several factors such as invoices, transportation schedules etc.

Plan, work, profit on the move
Plan your business strategies with intelligence while-on-the-go
- Efficiency has increased to a great extent with the help of live information pouring in from mines, crushers and logistics providers from the software. Engineers are provided live information they can take correct decisions while on the go with the help of information being provided.
- Planning on a daily basis can be easily done with the help of the software.
- The software provides real time information about the quality, production and equipment.
- The organization can plan on the move and optimize the operational activities based on field conditions.

Optimize ore logistics and transportation
Keep a tab on transportation cost and optimize them

Transportation costs have their own decent share in the budget. These costs should be prevented from spiraling out of the control as it can have effect on the remaining supply chain. Stock is sent through various means via road and water transport and scheduling the supply chain and maintaining the logistics is a tough task. Our ERP for mining makes the task an easy one.
- The transportation task can be optimized and the logistics and scheduling process can be streamlined across the supply chain.
- The software solution facilitates operational efficiency and reduces the cost.
- Several factors such as the quality and the quantity can be streamlined to a great extent ensuring increased operational efficiency.
- With the help of the software, contract problems can be solved across the multi-modal transportation system and a combined enterprise view for each cost element declared in the system can be gained.
- The data can be simulated longer horizons which are based upon forecasts using various techniques such as ARIMA, Multi-Linear Regression and Genetic Programming libraries.
- Various processes in the transportation process such as stockpile management, demand and supply planning, maintenance planning, automated statutory document generation and generation of invoices based on quality accepted by customer, can be notified through email or SMS.
Manage rules and regulations
Deal with stringent mining regulations efficiently.
- The mining industry has to cater to various regulations and comply with them. It is therefore under a careful watch by the authorities. Numerous compliance documents, different rules and regulations make the process of managing them can prove to be a daunting task.
- Our software solution helps organizations to comply with all the rules and regulations with ease. It helps in improving the quality and effectiveness of compliance programs.
- Our mining solution is embedded with the GRC solution and the mining industry can benefit a lot from our integrated approach to governance.
- The software helps in managing the risks in a better manner.